Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Transition to Litter Box

The puppies have started eating solid food

Transitioning to litter box - put pups in a bucket

New litter box, took out baby pool

Puppy cuddles!

Moving is so exhausting!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Exploring New Surfaces

The puppies are doing very well. They have opened their eyes and are starting to walk around, and are now learning how to walk on different surfaces.

A car mat

A tennis racket

A slippery surface

And now rest...

Lots of hard work deserves a break!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


All of the puppies are now walking, they are a little shaky but getting better everyday. All but two have opened their eyes. Neuro stimulation is going well, one more day to go then we will begin environmental enrichment by introducing new items and sounds to the puppies including walking on varied surfaces.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Everyone is Doing Well

Mama Bridget is happy, eating well and nursing babies. When she isn't with her babies she is enjoying play sessions in the back yard. The puppies are gaining weight and scooting around the whelping area with more vigor except . . . Well, see for yourself.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Denver Post Article

Canine Partners of the Rockies is thrilled about our article published in Sunday's Denver Post! Check out the puppy article from May 10, 2009 about Bridget and her new litter.


Starting Stimulation

We started doing neurological stimulation exercises with the puppies on day three and will continue to do them until day 16. If you want to read about neurological stimulation exercises for puppies here is a link: http://www.breedingbetterdogs.com/articles/early_neurological_stimulation_en.html

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day Two

Bridget with the pups

Bridget's Puppies Are Here!

The wait is over...
Bridget delivered 9 puppies - 6 girls, 3 boys.
Seven of the puppies look like Goldens, 2 look like black labs. All puppies and Bridget are doing very well. Puppies started arriving Monday night at10:06, the last one came at 1:46 a.m. Bridget was a star.